Manage first aid services and resources
Brisbane & Toowoomba Manage first aid services and resources Course, Book Now!
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Manage first aid services and resources Course Overview
Course Code
$120 AUD
1 Day Program
HLTAID016 Manage first aid services and resources should be undertaken by all persons or employees whom are responsible for the management of first aid in the workplace. The course is structured to teach the participants how to establish and maintain and facilitate the provision of appropriate first aid in the workplace.
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to establish, maintain and facilitate the provision of appropriate first aid in the workplace. The unit applies to workers in nominated occupational first aid or management roles.
There must be evidence that the candidate has completed the following tasks at least once in line with State/Territory regulations, first aid codes of practice, Australian Resuscitation Council (ARC) guidelines and workplace procedures:
- conducted a workplace risk assessment
- developed a first aid response plan including strategies for management of incidents
- used a first aid checklist to service a workplace first aid kit for supplies’ replacement and equipment maintenance
- maintained first aid equipment and resources according to manufacturer’s instructions
- used and maintained documentation required by the workplace and regulatory authorities.
Course Details
The face to face training is 4 hours and the course covers both theory and practical aspects of the management of first aid in the workplace. Students are required to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the course commencement or will be refused entry. Certificate Validity The HLTAID016 Mange first aid services and resources is valid for 3 years from the completion date.
Need more information?
Manage first aid services and resources HLTAID016 Group Booking Discounts Available And Quality Training Onsite, We come to you!
Contact us on 07 4638 0532 or email admin@wellcontrolcentre.com.au today to find out more!
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